Canteen Information
Placing orders
Place orders online at before 9.15am on the day of order. Orders can be placed up to 4 weeks in advance. To access our canteen use the details below:
Username: laurimarps
Password: munch 3754

JAYCees Catering
Our canteen in 2023 is run and managed by JAYcees Catering.
Window Sales
Each day the canteen is open for window sales at both recess and lunch to sell snacks and frozen items. Window sales occur at the following times.
Recess 11.00am - 11.30am Lunch 1.30pm - 2.30pm
What if your child forgets to bring lunch to school?
If your child forgets their lunch, we will provide them with a sandwich and a piece of fruit. We will place the order on Munch Monitor for you.
If there are insufficient funds we will send a note home with the cost.
Food Allergies and Intolerances
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance please feel free to drop in and discuss the menu options for your child. All children with food allergies need to place their order via Munch monitor. This is to ensure all allergy meals are dealt with correctly.
Any additional information please contact the school. For any issues with your Munch Monitor account please contact them directly on 1300 796 190.